28 Ocak 2010 Perşembe



Many women complain of feeling the expansion of the vagina as a result frequent births, which makes them lose their sense of fun she and her husband during sexual intercourse. There are many recipes and herbs which are used before intercourse in order to work on narrowing the vagina. But it must before using any herbs, consult a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology as the vagina very sensitive area. And may lead to the use of such herbs vaginal infection, dry tissues of the vagina, severe constriction of the vagina, or blackness in that region. And shorten these recipes and herbs in the following: Is taken equal proportions of: alum – pomegranate peel (dried and then milled and the powder is taken) – Indian installment – sea salt – way bathroom. And placed in a liter of warm water that has been boiled (not boiling water and then left to become warm) and is used Lye of the vagina. Liters of water should be boiled by the teaspoon salt and ginger and then left to become warm and is used Lye of the vagina. Is put 2 tablespoons pomegranate peel powder (dried and then milled and the powder is taken) in a liter of water is then boiled and left to become a little warm and filtered of impurities and used Lye of the vagina before intercourse. Are ground (alum, preferably alum Indonesian) and take a teaspoon a liter of warm water has been boiled and used Lye of the vagina and is then rinse with plain water. This is done before sexual intercourse. Put 2 tablespoons pine floured peel – half teaspoon alum in warm water has been boiled and used Lye of the vagina before intercourse. White honey is used in a liter of warm water Lye of the vagina. Is put back – coarse salt – Loan – pomegranate peel crushed in a liter of water and left to boil, then leaves a little to become warm and uses Lye of the vagina. Should be boiled water and put one teaspoon coarse salt, then leave the water to become slightly warm and uses Lye of the vagina.


Many women complain of feeling the expansion of the vagina as a result frequent births, which makes them lose their sense of fun she and her husband during sexual intercourse. There are many recipes and herbs which are used before intercourse in order to work on narrowing the vagina. But it must before using any herbs, consult a doctor of obstetrics and gynecology as the vagina very sensitive area. And may lead to the use of such herbs vaginal infection, dry tissues of the vagina, severe constriction of the vagina, or blackness in that region. And shorten these recipes and herbs in the following: Is taken equal proportions of: alum – pomegranate peel (dried and then milled and the powder is taken) – Indian installment – sea salt – way bathroom. And placed in a liter of warm water that has been boiled (not boiling water and then left to become warm) and is used Lye of the vagina. Liters of water should be boiled by the teaspoon salt and ginger and then left to become warm and is used Lye of the vagina. Is put 2 tablespoons pomegranate peel powder (dried and then milled and the powder is taken) in a liter of water is then boiled and left to become a little warm and filtered of impurities and used Lye of the vagina before intercourse. Are ground (alum, preferably alum Indonesian) and take a teaspoon a liter of warm water has been boiled and used Lye of the vagina and is then rinse with plain water. This is done before sexual intercourse. Put 2 tablespoons pine floured peel – half teaspoon alum in warm water has been boiled and used Lye of the vagina before intercourse. White honey is used in a liter of warm water Lye of the vagina. Is put back – coarse salt – Loan – pomegranate peel crushed in a liter of water and left to boil, then leaves a little to become warm and uses Lye of the vagina. Should be boiled water and put one teaspoon coarse salt, then leave the water to become slightly warm and uses Lye of the vagina.


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Antalya, akdeniz, Türkiye
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